Sunday, January 10, 2010

How to Lucid dream

If you’re on this blog, you’re interested in lucid dreaming. I’ve been interested for a number of years. The idea of being able to control dreams, to have a lucid dream has always fascinated me.

I can remember back to my first experience with lucid dreams as a child. I was falling and I remember thinking to myself that I was going to die. Then I decided to change the hard ground into a pool of water. I had just taken control of my first dream. At the time I didn’t know that this was called lucid dreaming, it was just interesting to me that I was able to change my dream while I was dreaming.

It wasn’t until years later that I became interested in the concept of lucid dreaming. As I grow older I’ve become increasingly interested in the metaphysical aspects of life. One area in particular that interests me is dreaming. Personally, I believe that when we dream we are touching a much deeper part of us, a much wiser part. I thought to myself, if this is true, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to not just receive information passively through a dream but instead be able to interact with the dream. In this way I could receive much more specific information.

The question was, “How to Lucid Dream?” How could I create a lucid dream on demand? As I began to do research on the topic I read a number of books on the subject written by scientific researchers. These researchers broke the process of creating lucid dreams into three steps.

First, you had to begin to dream. What I found through my research was that the best way to create dreams on demand was through the use of sound. Specifically sounds that tap out a rhythm or beat pattern that allows the two hemispheres of the brain to synchronize with each other.

I started to use these binaural beats (that’s the scientific name) as I was going to sleep. I immediately noticed that I began to remember more and more of my dreams. At the same time, my dreams were becoming much more vivid and detailed.

The second step is to create a dream journal. Each morning when I awoke I would write down as much as I could remember about each dream.

The purpose of the dream journal is to train your mind to remember the dreams. To give a message to your mind that dreams are important and that you need to remember them.

Using the sound to enhance the quality and quantity of my dreams along with the dream journal had me to the point that I was dreaming anywhere from two to five separate dreams each night. I wasn’t quite to the point of lucid dreaming yet but I was close.

The final step to creating a lucid dream was to program my mind to take control of the dreams. To do this I created a simple process based on the scientific research that I read before going to sleep each night. I read this simple statement, “Tonight when I am dreaming I will hear myself say the word gelbelong. When I hear the word gelbelong I will know that I am dreaming and I will take control of my dream.”

Every night just before I go to sleep I would read this statement to myself fifteen times. This conditioned my subconscious mind to say the word “gelbelong” during the dream and for my mind to then recognize that I was having a lucid dream.

The word “gelbelong” is a word I made up. You want the word or phrase to be something that you would never hear in waking life so that there can be no confusion as to whether or not you are dreaming.

Adding this phrase gave me the final piece for creating all of the lucid dreams I desire. Now I explore an entirely new world whenever I sleep.

I actually have to admit that I enjoy going to sleep now. It’s like I’m taking a vacation each and every time I sleep. And more to my interests, I’ve learned some amazing things about myself.

If you want to begin to have lucid dreams, just follow the three steps I’ve given you.

First, begin to create more dreams through the use of a binaural beat program.

Second, write down your dreams in a dream journal.

Finally, create your own key word and begin to enjoy the wonderful world of the lucid dream.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lucidia can also help in your efforts to lucid dream and is FDA approved. You can check it out here

  2. Good read! Reading this was well worth my time. Check this out -

  3. Very useful! Have been trying to lucid dream for like a few months now, but with no success. I have tried different techniques, read books, used 'lucid dreams inducing' mp3's. And to some people it happens naturally - now that's demotivating. But after reading this post I'll start completing my dreams journal again, and I'll try that thing with inventing a word. Could you post more? Very interesting!

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  5. Lucidia can also help in your efforts to lucid dream and is FDA approved. You can check it out here
